men. A baby monkey clings to its 3-legged mother's belly as she outruns the dog on the roof. The troop of monkeys scampers by and runs out of sight.
There is an impressive waterfall approx. 36 km outside Bundi with a picnic area as well as a lovely pool at the base of the falls for swimming. After breakfast, 4 of us got on 2 motorcycles and headed out to explore. The place was massive with large square black basalt boulders leading to the precipice of the falls that were approx. a 120 ft. drop to the pool below. As we walked around toward the bottom and looked into the pool, I saw a water snake making its way across the water. I think I will just sun on the rocks and let everyone else swim if they want! We spent most of the day walking around exploring and just lazing around before the ride back to town - great day!
Back in town the hogs root in the garbage pile while cows nibble alongside. These huge hogs have 6" stiff spines coming up from their back making them look like wild boars.
There is an impressive waterfall approx. 36 km outside Bundi with a picnic area as well as a lovely pool at the base of the falls for swimming. After breakfast, 4 of us got on 2 motorcycles and headed out to explore. The place was massive with large square black basalt boulders leading to the precipice of the falls that were approx. a 120 ft. drop to the pool below. As we walked around toward the bottom and looked into the pool, I saw a water snake making its way across the water. I think I will just sun on the rocks and let everyone else swim if they want! We spent most of the day walking around exploring and just lazing around before the ride back to town - great day!
Back in town the hogs root in the garbage pile while cows nibble alongside. These huge hogs have 6" stiff spines coming up from their back making them look like wild boars.