Friday, April 26, 2013

April 25 Hanuman's Birthday

Decorated Elephant
Balancing Act
Well Trained Horses!
Hanuman's Birthday was celebrated in grand style with a parade and gathering in the main chowk at Jagdish Temple downtown.  Along the parade route there were tables set up to give cups of water to the revelers to counteract the effects of the heat.  Women balanced jugs of water with a coconut on top, camels pulled carts, decorated elephants marched by, and white stallions performed steps for the crowd.

There are so many religious holidays, I should have known my tailor would not be open for this one.  I guess I will pick up my new pants tomorrow.  Even the government offices were closed, which kept me from getting my letter to leave the country. 

I am really looking forward to leaving this heat behind for the cooler days and chilly nights of Nepal.  The summers in Udaipur and in fact, most of India are extremely hot...shades of Texas at over 100 degrees!   I have 2 weeks in Nepal, then back to Delhi for the flight home to Cape Coral, FL.