McLeodganj, October 19, 2011
View from My Balcony |
The wispy clouds turned pink as the sun rose behind the surrounding mountains. A large bird flew in circles over the valley as a monkey climbed the tree beside my balcony. The children lay out mats ofr breakfast in the schoolyard below and the chanting would soon start at the temple in His Holiness the Dalai Lama's compound. Another day begins in McLeodganj.
Tibetans |
Yesterday was a special day. As I made my way to the temple for my morning circumnabulations and prayers, I noticed a crowd was on their way down the hill with me. As I arrived at the compound, there was special security screening in place. Upon inquiry, I found out that His Holiness was leading paryers this morning from the main temple...what a treat! Excited, I made my way through the crowd and seated myself behind the many monks who were already chanting to the sound of the Dalai Lama's voice. He was seated in the temple chanting for the next hour as we joined in the repititions. When he rose to leave, I rushed to the side as he emerged from the door and walked past me to the gate of his residence below, bowing and greeting all. He has such a presence that it is felt when he passes.
Bhagsu Falls |
The afternoon brought a hike with my new friend, William from L.A., to Bhagsu Falls, approximately 2 km straight up the mountain. The hike was a bit arduous, but rewarding. As we walked the stone paved path up, young girls sold henna tattoos put on with a wooden stamp, men with families played ancient instruments for money from tourists, and monkeys played in the adjoining forest. The falls soon came into view at the center of the gorge. William told me about the small cafe situated beside the clear pool of water at the base of the falls and I looked forward to a hot cup of chai. We climbed across rocks and soon settled onto a wooden bench for tea and walnut bread I bought at the German bakery before leaving. Never hike without food...that's my policy and it served me well!
Beggars on Path to Falls |
As we passed through the small community of Bhagsu on the return walk (much easier downhill) we spotted an Ayurvedic doctor's office. Since William had a sore throat for the last 6 weeks, I suggested he see the attending doctor. After a consultation and exam, she gave him some pills to take and told him to make a boiled herbal concoction with which to gargle 3x daily. We have high hopes it will work as the antibiotics the doctor in Delhi gave him have yet to do anything.
Today I have to solve my computer problem - I picked up spyware at one of the WiFi cafes and cannot go to a site other than the one it puts on my screen - no Yahoo, no Facebook, no gmail, no blog. Right now it's time for my morning cup of green tea I have in my room before the town awakens, as the sun rises.